About the Library

Mission: Connecting our community to a world of possibilities.

Vision: To provide information and resources for all generations, foster connections, and to remain a cornerstone of our community.


We believe in:

  • Access: free and ready access for everyone to the world of ideas, information, and creative experience.
  • Adaptability: considering not only the present, but also the future needs of the community.
  • Lifelong Learning: providing services and resources to create a curious, informed, and connected community. 
  • Public Good: building relationships, encouraging discussion, and an open exchange of ideas.

The West Custer County Library District offers a local collection of around 12,000 items, plus over 500,000 e-book and e-audiobooks for download to a personal device. Kanopy offers a catalog of over 30,000 videos and movies for streaming and more than 1.7 million books and movies are available for loan through a shared catalog with 160 other Colorado libraries. The library also offers a wide variety of non-traditional resources to borrow such as telehealth kits, snowshoes, a variety of camping and hiking equipment, metal detectors, a sewing machine, passes to the Pueblo Zoo and Royal Gorge Bridge and Park, and a telescope, among many others, and with new items being added every year. The Community Room is available for community use for a small fee both for group rental and as a quiet work space when it is not reserved. The library also has a privacy booth that can be used free-of-charge for video and phone calls. Numerous free events and classes for all ages are offered on a weekly and monthly basis throughout the year, including a summer reading program for children and teens and a winter reading program for adults. The library sponsors a book club, a writers’ group, a Dungeons and Dragons group, a weekly coffee chat for veterans, twice monthly free tech assistance, and a monthly mobile DMV service, among many others. True broadband is available through free-to-use Wi-Fi and 10 public computers and laptops, while a variety of online research and educational resources are available through the library’s website. The library also acts as a local history repository to assist in historical research of the area. Visit the library’s website, Facebook, or Instagram for up-to-date information on programs and events, or reach out to the library over phone or email with questions.

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Library Policies

  • Most items can be checked out for 3 weeks and are due before the library closes on the due date.
  • Most items will renew automatically, but you may also call to check on due dates and renewal options.
  • For lost or damaged items, the fee is the current replacement cost for the item.
  • Overdue fines are $ .25/day for NEW books and CDs; $.50/day for DVDs (maximum of $10/per item) and Interlibrary Loans (ILL)). There are NO fines on overdue youth materials.
  • Parents/guardians must sign for patrons under 18 to get a library card.
  • Lost library cards will be replaced for $1.00 to cover the cost of the laminated card.
  • There will be a $35.00 service fee for checks returned by the bank to the library due to insufficient funds.
  • The Library adheres to the Colorado Revised Statutes 24-90-119, Privacy of User Records, which means we will not disclose any record or other information which identifies a person as having requested or used specific materials or service or as otherwise having used the library.
  • The library’s wireless network is not secure.  We recommend that you utilize virus protection, a personal firewall, and other protective measures.  The library is not responsible for any loss of information or damage to your equipment that might result from using the wireless network.

See our Complete Library Policies