Job Openings

The Library is hiring a part-time Library Assistant

Position: Provides assistance to Library patrons of all ages and abilities. Responsible for supervised library service duties related to circulation, technology, reference, and office support work. Position requires excellent customer service skills, confidence working with computers and technology, and the ability to effectively multitask.

Hours: Thursdays (10:00 AM – 5:30 PM) and Saturdays (10 AM – 2 PM)

Salary: $14.81/hour (Colorado state minimum wage)

To apply, drop off your resume and a cover letter at the Library, or email it to Co-Director Janet Rhodes:

Job posting closes March 28th. The position will be filled as soon as possible, with training beginning the first or second week of April.

You may request a full position description from the front desk.

Applicants must be 18 or older and possess a high school diploma or equivalent. A background check is required of all applicants.