Your Tax Dollars at Work – 2016
1,681 patrons: After removing outdated accounts, the library has a much more accurate count which is equivalent to about 40% of the county’s population. That also does not include anyone who has been given permission to use a parent’s or spouse’s card.
Winter: Avg. 146 visits/day with a peak count of 214
Summer: Avg. 211 visits/day with a peak count of 334
38,545 total annual visits (consistent with 2015)
Staff: 1 full-time director at $41,500; 5 PT staff at $11.25 -$17.75/hr working on average 12 to 25 hours/week; Health insurance for director; medical stipends for staff
Open 4 ½ days per week
16,884 items in the local collection, including books, e-books, audio books, e-audiobooks, movies and magazines/newspapers
Easy access to over 1.4 million books and movies through the cooperative catalog shared with 100+ Colorado libraries; 2,502 books and movies borrowed from other libraries (up by 699 from 2015)
37,361 items circulated (1,893 more than 2015)
3,879 public computer sessions; 4,244 wifi sessions
54 children’s programs with 1,519 attending (292 more than 2015); 31 young adult programs with 507 attending
Camp Happiness hands-on learning for ages 0-6
Preschool and day care early literacy visits
Elementary field trips and programs; book talks and visits with 5th grade
Monthly tween/teen events (during the school year)
Summer reading program for ages 0-18; 145 children (21 more than 2015) and 53 teens registered
128 adult programs with 1,023 attending
Events throughout the year like author readings, workshops and community outreach events
Three monthly book clubs, Scrabble group and writers’ group
Book a Librarian service: One-on-one training by appointment on computers, tablets, ereaders, smartphones and popular software